Leadership in Nursing

Management of Nursing

Nursing management essentially focuses on human behavior. To achieve the highest level of productivity in nursing care, patients need a nurse manager who trained in the knowledge and skills of human behavior for nurses manage nursing professional and non-professional workers.

Mc. Gregor states that every human being is an individual's life as a whole is always interaction with the world of other individuals. What happened to these people is a result of the behavior of others. Attitudes and emotions of others influence people. Subordinates depends on the leadership and desire to be treated fairly. A relationship will succeed if desired by both parties.

Subordinates need a sense of security and will fight to protect themselves from the threats that are false or really a threat to the unmet needs in the work situation.

Leaders create the conditions to bring effective leadership to form an atmosphere that can be accepted by subordinates, so that subordinates do not feel threatened and frightened.

To be able to do the things mentioned above, both superiors and subordinates need to understand about the kind of leadership management, which in turn formed the motivation and attitude of professional leadership.

Leadership will come when someone because of the properties and behavior have the ability to encourage others to think, act, and or do something according to what is desired.

Leadership in the context of major organizational emphasis on the function of the direction that includes telling, showing, and motivate subordinates. Management function is closely related to the human factor in an organization, which includes the interaction between humans and focuses on a person's ability to influence others.

In the nursing leadership is a leader's use of skills (nurses) in influencing the other nurses that are under its control for the division of tasks and responsibilities in providing nursing care services so that the goal of nursing is reached. Each nurse has a different potential for leadership, but these skills can be learned so it can always be applied and improved.

It has been mentioned that the leadership style is influenced by the nature and behavior of which is owned by the leader. Because of the nature and behavior of the person with the other person is not exactly the same, the style of leadership that is shown is not the same. Based on the opinion of the relationship between the leadership styles of behavior, then in discussing leadership styles to the field of administration is often associated with a pattern of management, often associated with talk about behavior.

Depending on the nature and behavior encountered in an organization and or owned by the leader, the leadership style exhibited by a leader can differ from one another.

An effective leader is a leader who can influence others to work together to achieve a satisfactory outcome for the beneficial changes.

Leadership tasks:
  1. As decision-makers
  2. As the bearer of responsibility
  3. Mobilize resources to achieve goals as a conceptual thinker
  4. Working with and through others
  5. As a mediator, politician, and diplomat.
The role of the leader of the group:
  • As liaison interpersonal, which is a symbol of a group in performing duties legally and socially, has the responsibility and motivate, manage people and organize the development of connective tissue and is working outside the group.
  • As an innovator or reformer
  • As an information provider, which monitors the information in the organization's environment, disseminate information from the outside to subordinates and represented the group as a speaker.
  • gathering strength
  • Stimulate public debate
  • Creating the position of nurses in the media
  • Choosing a strategy that is most effective, acting at the right time
  • Maintaining activity
  • Maintaining formaf decentralized organization
  • Acquiring and developing the best research data
  • studying the experience
  • Do not give up without trying.
Nursing is a profession that continues to change, more extensive functions, either as executor of care, managers, experts, educators, and researchers in nursing. Seeing a broad functions as described above, then the nurse should be prepared to gain knowledge and skills about leadership. Nursing leaders are needed both as implementing nursing care, educators, managers, experts, and the field of nursing research.

With a model of effective leadership, it is expected in the future of the nursing profession can be accepted with a good image in the community as a profession that was developed based on science and emerging technologies.

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