Hypopituitary - 6 Nursng Diagnosis and Interventions

Hypopituitarism is a condition in which the pituitary gland does not produce one or more of its hormones or not enough of them. The pituitary gland is located at the base of the brain. This condition may occur because of disease in the pituitary or hypothalamu. When there is low or no production of all the pituitary hormones, the condition is called panhypopituitarism.

Hypopituitarism may be caused by:
  • Brain surgery
  • Brain tumor
  • Head trauma
  • Infections of the brain and the tissues that support the brain
  • Radiation
  • Stroke
  • Subarachnoid hemorrhage (from a burst aneurysm)
  • Tumors of the pituitary gland or hypothalamus

Nursng Diagnosis and Interventions for Hypopituitary

1. Disturbed Body Image related to changes in the structure and function of the body due to deficiency of gonadotropin and growth hormone deficiency.

Interventions and Rational:

1. Encourage clients to express feelings.
R /: Clients are able to express feelings.

2. Encourage clients to ask about the issues it faces.
R /: Clients are able to know their health problems.

3. Give the client a chance to care for themselves.
R /: Make the client can be independent, to meet their needs.

4. Collaboration: the synthetic growth hormones (exogenous).

2. Sexual Dysfunction

Interventions and Rational:

1. Identification of specific issues related to the client's experience sexual function.
R /: Clients understand the problem of the sexual function.

2. Encourage clients to discuss the issue with their partner.
R /: Clients can express their feelings on the issue of sexual function.

3. Generate client motivation to follow the treatment program on a regular basis.
R /: Clients can keep up with the regular treatment program.

4. Collaboration: the drug bromocriptine.

3. Ineffective individual coping related to the chronicity of the disease condition.

Interventions and Rational:

1. Help clients to be able to communicate.
R /: To be able to increase client communication.

2. Assist clients in solving their problems.
R /: In order for clients to solve their own problems.

3. Teach the client to be able to do relaxation techniques right.
R /: In order for the client to perform relaxation.

4. Low self-esteem are related to changes in body appearance.

Interventions and Rational:

1. Assist clients in building mutual trust relationship between the client and the nurse.
R /: To be able to build client relationships of mutual trust between the client and the nurse.

2. Assist the client in terms of social interaction.
R /: In order for the client to interact socially.

3. Help clients to increase self-esteem back by supporting all actions, hopes, and desires of the patient.
R /: To be able to discuss the client's feelings.

5. Anxiety related to threat or change in health status.

Interventions and Rational:

1. Provide comfort care to the client.
R /: To clients have confidence in the others.

2. Assist clients in activities that may reduce emotional tension.
R /: In order for the client to respond verbally and non-verbally.

3. Teach termination techniques anxiety.
R /: Agarklien can stimulate self-back.

6. Impaired skin integrity related to declining hormonal levels.

Interventions and Rational:

1. Teach clients how to perform regular skin care every day.
R /: regular skin care can repair skin damage.

2. Encourage clients to use a moisturizing lotion.
R /: moisturizing lotion helps keep the skin moist.

3. Encourage clients to not scratch the skin.
R /: Scratching the skin can cause skin irritation.

4. Maintain adequate fluid intake for adequate hydration.
R /: Fulfillment of adequate hydration.

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