Types of Sleeping Disorders in the Elderly

Sleeping disorders in the elderly is often experienced by the elderly. Sleep disorders in the elderly is caused by many factors, such as physical, psychological or mental. Sleep disorders in the elderly can include difficulty sleeping disturbances or disorders maintain a restful sleep.

Types of Sleeping Disorders in the Elderly

Primary Sleep Disorders

Primary sleep disorder is a sleep disorder that is not caused by other mental disorders, general medical condition, or substance. Sleep disturbance is divided into two, namely dyssomnia and parasomnia. Dyssomnia characterized by disturbances in the amount, quality, and time to sleep. Parasomnia associated with sleep behavior or physiological events associated with sleep, specific sleep stages or sleep wake displacement. Dyssomnia consists of primary insomnia, primary hypersomnia, narcolepsy, sleep disorders related to breathing, rhythmic circadian sleep disorders, and dyssomnia that can not be classified. Parasomnia consisting of nightmare disorder, sleep terror disorder, night wakings, and parasomnia that can not be classified.

Sleep disorders related to another mental disorder

Sleep disorders related to another mental disorder, namely the presence of a prominent complaint of sleep disturbance caused by another mental disorder (often for mood disorders) but do not qualify to be established as a separate sleep disorder. There are allegations that the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying mental disorder also affect sleep-wake disturbances. Sleep disturbance is composed of: Insomnia related to axis I or II, and hypersomnia associated axis I or II.

Sleep disorders due to general medical condition

Disorders due to general medical condition is a prominent complaint of sleep disturbance caused by the direct physiological effect of the general medical condition on the sleep-wake cycle.

Sleep disorders due to substance

Namely the prominent sleep complaints were due to use or stop using the substance (including medications). Systematic assessment of someone who had sleep complaints such as evaluation forms specific sleep disorders, mental disorders today, general medical condition, and substance or medication use, needs to be done.

Sleep Disorders in the Elderly

Sleep disorders in the elderly may be a non-pathological, due to aging and some specific sleep disorders are often found in the elderly. There are some common sleep disorders in the elderly.

Primary insomnia

Characterized by:

Complaints difficult getting to sleep or maintaining sleep or remain fresh, even though it was asleep. This situation lasted at least one month.
Cause clinically significant distress or impairment of social, occupational, or other important functions. Sleep disturbance does not occur exclusively during no other mental disorders.
Not due to the direct physiological effect of the general medical condition or substance.

Chronic insomnia

Also called psychophysiology persistent insomnia. Insomnia can be caused by anxiety; addition, it can also occur due to habit or learning or maladaptive behaviors in bed. For example, solving a serious problem in bed, anxiety, or negative thoughts on sleep (was thinking could not sleep). The presence of excessive anxiety, inability to sleep cause someone trying hard to sleep but he was increasingly unable to sleep.

Idiopathic insomnia

Idiopathic insomnia, is insomnia that has occurred since early life. Sometimes insomnia is already present at birth and continues throughout life. The cause is not clear, there is a suspicion caused by an imbalance of brain neurochemistry in the brain stem reticular formation, or forebrain dysfunction. Elderly living alone or a sense of fear exacerbated at night can lead to can not sleep. Chronic insomnia can lead to decreased mood (the risk of depression and anxiety), decrease motivation, attention, energy, and concentration, as well as cause a feeling lazy. Reduced quality of life and lead to the elderly are more likely to use health facilities. A person with primary insomnia often have a history of sleep disorders before. Many people with insomnia self medicate with drugs or alcohol, sedative-hypnotics. Anxiolytikum often used to cope with stress and anxiety.

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