Impaired Physical Mobility - Nursing Care Plan for Meningitis

Nursing Interventions for Meningitis - Impaired Physical Mobility

Nursing Care Plan for Meningitis - Impaired Physical Mobility

Meningitis is an inflammation of the membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord. Symptoms of meningitis are fever, headache, and stiff neck. Meningitis can be caused by a variety of things, including bacteria (the most serious cases), viruses, fungi, reactions to medications, and environmental toxins such as heavy metals. Cerebrospinal fluid can be tested to determine the type of meningitis causing the symptoms. Such identification is important in selecting effective antibiotics for treating bacterial meningitis cases.

In other patients, the symptoms can be severe and begin suddenly with fever, headache and stiff neck accompanied by some combination of other symptoms: decreased appetite, nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to bright light, confusion and sleepiness.

Impaired Physical Mobility - Nursing Care Plan for Meningitis

Impaired Physical Mobility related to general weakness, neurologic deficit.

Characterized by:
  • Patients said weakly.
  • Paralysis, parese, hemiplegia, tremor.
  • Less muscle strength.
  • Contractures, atrophy.

Expected outcomes:
  • Patients can maintain an optimal mobilization.
  • Skin integrity intact.
  • Did not happen atrophy.
  • Did not happen contractures.

1. Assess the ability to mobilize.
R /: Hemiparese may occur.

2. Instead of positioning the patient every 2 hours.
R /: Avoid skin damage.

3. Perform masage depressed parts of the body.
R /: Smooth flow of blood and prevent pressure sores.

4. Perform passive ROM.
R /: Avoiding contractures and atrophy.

5. Monitor thromboembolism, constipation.
R /: Complications of immobility.

6. Consul at physiotherapist if necessary.
R /: Planning more important.

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